Sometimes, under the immense pressure of daily life, we come up with an idea which we see through, which just happens to be exactly what is needed to get everything back in its right place. Our weekend away last week was just such an idea. We had been discussing a summerhouse trip for some time, but our attempts to find the perfect location had come up short. Luckily Dan’s colleague happened to not be using his summerhouse and we went for it.
We drove up late Friday evening, and started strong with burgers on the beach in the failing light of an early autumn evening. The 48 hours which followed were a perfect mix of windy trips to the beach, forest walks, games at the dinner table, jogs under dramatic cloudy skies, sauna sessions, and naked swims. We departed on Sunday afternoon as a happy, rested family unit, full of the kind of love and energy which only a weekend of quality time can inspire.